
Friday, April 24, 2009

Electra Woman and Dyna Girl

Way back in "the day," when I was about 10 years old (1976, to be precise), one of my favorite TV shows was Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, about 2 female superheros--reporters by day, who battle all manner of villains in skin-tight body suits and capes. They have their own secret hideout, the Electrabase, lots of cool superhero gadgets, and even their own Electra-car. How could anyone not love a show like that?

Electra Woman and Dyna Girl TV Show

Electra Woman was played by Deidre Hall, better known now for her role on Days of Our Lives. But back then, she was Electra-cool as the head super hero. And Dyna Girl was played by Judy Strangis, who was also one of the stars of the popular Room 222 (and yes, I watched that show too!).

Electra Car

Electra Woman, and her Electra-terrific sidekick, Dyna Girl (dig those pony tails), got to wear these special Electra bracelets that let them do all sorts of things, thanks to their gadget man (come on, even James Bond has a gadget man!), Frank.

Eat your heart out, Wonder Woman!

And they would use their powers to fight such bad guys as The Empress of Evil, Leggs and Spinner, The Sorcerer, and Spider Lady...just to name a few.

Electra Woman

The show only lasted about one season, but that was long enough to leave an Electra-fied impression on my ten-year-old self. So that's why I picked it for this week's Flashback Friday post. I know, I know...I'm an Electra-geek.