
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Remembering Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson Profile

Don't Judge
© Tina Grimes 2009

Don’t judge a book by its cover
When its binding is worse for wear
The riches are in its pages
Its magic lingers there.

It’s much the same with people
Whose stories we don’t really know
Looking only at the outside
When the cover masks the story below.

We don’t know the truth of a life
Because it’s lived in the public eye
We don’t know what’s fact or folly
We don’t know what’s truth or lie.

Don’t judge the icon and legend
Whose image became worse for wear
The riches are in his melodies
His magic lingers there.

After watching a truly moving memorial tribute to Michael Jackson, I felt compelled to compose this poem in his memory. I'm thankful to have had his music as the soundtrack to many memories in my life. Thanks for the magic, Michael.