
Thursday, August 27, 2009

What a Girl Wants

Sometimes I truly have to question the workings of my almost-43-year-old brain. Seriously. What is going on up there? Not to sound bragalicous (yes, it's a word...if I want it to be), but I'm fairly intelligent. I have college degrees. I was a teacher for heaven's sake!I know stuff. Ahem. LOTS of stuff! Some of it's even interesting.

I've enjoyed the works of Shakespeare, Austen, and Hemmingway. I love listening to classical music when I paint. I mean, really, who doesn't like a little Mozart or Rachmaninov during the creative process? And I absolutely love poetry. Longfellow, anyone?

So, considering how mature and evolved I surely must be, given the above facts, why is that when I was on Amazon the other day looking for a book,  I ordered this DVD.

What a Girl Wants

I have seen What a Girl Wants at least 3 times. It's the story of a teenage girl who travels to London to find her long-lost aristocratic father, whom she's longed to meet her entire life. It's a combination coming of age story, a love story, a fish out of water story, and just a feel good father-daughter-relationship movie. That being said, it's also cutesy, a bit contrived, and too sticky-sweet in some parts. But OMGosh, people, I love this movie!

The movie's two main stars, Amanda Bynes and Colin Firth, have such great chemistry; they really are the big reason this movie works. And the movie does have a Cinderella-story quality to it that appeals to the sap hopeful romantic in me. So when I saw it on Amazon, what can I say? I had to buy it.

It really is fun to watch. It's sweet. It's touching.

It's What a Girl Wants!