
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Freaky Food Wordless Wednesday

Seeing that Wednesday is almost over, I'm a bit behind on my Semi-Wordless Wednesday post for this week. So let's see if I can't get this published before the stroke of midnight, shall we? It was inspired completely by food, as the post title suggests.

This radish was part of my lunch the other day.
It was having a better day than I was, clearly.

Radish Face Wordless Wednesday

This one I found on Google.
Who knew that angels live inside tomah-toes?

Tomato Angels Inside

And this is a photo of a mystery Cheeto sent to me a few years ago by one of my best friends. I kept it because, yes, I'm that weird. I'll leave it up to you to decide what it resembles.

Just a Cheeto Penis

(It does make you wanna inspect the contents of your next bag of Cheetos a bit more carefully, now doesn't it?)

And that last photo makes it so appropriate to say, Happy Hump Day!