
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cheesy Potato Soup

If you really think about it, nothing warms you up on a cold day like a nice, hot bowl of soup. Well that, or having an espresso with Brad Pitt, am I right?

Brad Pitt Having Coffee

Cheesy Potato Soup Recipe

Of course, the espresso would be optional in that scenario. Because, let's face it: if you're lucky enough to be doing anything in a room with Brad Pitt, he's going to bring all the hotness you could possibly need. But since Brad Pitt is probably busy (because, yeah, that's the only possible reason he wouldn't be having espresso avec moi), I have settled for the hot soup and whipped up a pot of Cheesy Potato Soup instead. And it wouldn't be Tasty Tuesday if I didn't share the recipe with all of you. :) So with no further ado, here it is.

Cheesy Potato Soup

  • 8-10 Medium Potatoes (I use regular Idaho), cut into 1/2" chunks

  • 1 Small Onion, Diced

  • 8 Ounces of Velveeta, cut up into slices

  • 1 Cup of Milk

  • 1-2 TBSP Corn Starch

  • Water

  • Garlic Powder, Kosher Salt, Pepper (to taste)

  1. Put potatoes and onion into a Dutch Oven and add enough water just to cover; bring to a boil.

  2. Reduce heat a bit and cook potatoes until just fork tender.

  3. Add Milk and Velveeta, stirring until cheese is melted.

  4. Add Garlic Powder, Salt and Pepper until you like the taste--I just wing it folks. I love garlic and salt so it's really just a matter of personal taste as to how much you use.

  5. Once seasoned to taste, mix Corn Starch with equal parts water and stir until soup until it's thickened to your liking.

  6. Serve and enjoy!