
Friday, October 25, 2013

My Friday Confessions 10-25

OK, peeps. The Friday confessional is open. Let's get to it.

My Friday Confessions Tinalicious

I do not wear lipstick. Like, ever. I don't even own a tube of lipstick. I remember telling someone that a few years ago and they just looked at me with this confused look on their face, like they were trying to understand a foreign language or something. 

Confused Reaction Gif

And while we're on the subject of things I don't wear, I also don't wear high heels. I don't even own a pair of heels. No seriously. 

Shocked Reaction Gif

That last time I wore a pair of heels was on June 23, 1984. The day I got married. And those were very low heels. Heels are just not comfortable. And since I seldom have the need to wear a dress, I don't really have the need for heels either. And besides, I can wear flats with a dress. I'm just cool like that.

I have never tried Nutella. I should try it. I mean, it's got chocolate. It's got hazelnut. It definitely sounds like something I could eat too much of like. Which is probably a good reason to never try it. I hear that stuff can be addicting.

Nutella Meme

And lastly, I finally got Ian Somerhalder, aka Damon Salvatore, to show up at my house. He's right behind me in my office as I type this.

OK, yeah, he's a poster. But I'll take what I can get.

That's the sum of my wild confessions for this week. I hope it wasn't too much for you. ;)