
Monday, November 24, 2014

Obligatory Thankful Post - 2014 Edition

Well folks, since my Obligatory Thankful Post from last year was such a hit (one of my most viewed posts to date), I thought I'd make it annual tradition here on the blog. That way I can over share my heaps [dude, yes, HEAPS] of boundless gratitude about anything and everything from the past year that I am truly thankful for. Like it or not.

Now then, where to start...oh yes. Let's start with Outlander, shall we? 

I don't know how I managed it, but I had never heard of Outlander--neither the book series nor the TV series based on said books that debuted this year--until my online friend, Tracy posted about it on FB. She mentioned having read the series and was excited about the upcoming TV show. Once she gave me the basic plot, it sounded right up my alley so I did some investigating ( i.e. Googling ) on my own. And I'm just amazed that I somehow overlooked an incredibly popular book series that I really should have read long, long ago. Even my mom would have loved it, and had I known about it I'd have bought her the entire series!  I'm currently reading book 3 (Voyager) myself and I'm loving the books so far. And as for the TV series, Outlander?

Outlander Jaime Knee Porn

Yeah, I kinda sort really totally love it! Scottish actor Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser is just the sort of red-haired eye candy that I love. If I could travel to Scotland and Craigh na Dun, with even the slightest chance of touching mystical stones and traveling back in time to 18th century Scotland and meeting that guy, I'd surely want do it. But hey, I'm married, and I am 'no a hoor' [<-- inside Outlander joke right there]. But yeah, totally thankful for finding out about Outlander. Thanks, Tracy! If you haven't read the books or watched the series, I can highly recommend them both. 

I'm also thankful for a year with my Keurig coffee machine. Holla! Because everyone deserves a fresh cup of coffee, every single time. I'd love it more if the K-Cups were recyclable. I mean, come on, Keurig, it's almost 2015. Get it together. But since I recycle everything else that I can, and since I always use cloth bags at the grocery store, I think I'm entitled to a wee bit of latitude on the plastic K-Cups usage. Coffee, with a side of guilt anyone?!

Thor Likes Coffee

I'm very thankful to have a car with Remote Start again. This may seem like something trivial if you live in a warmer climate. But here in Ohio, it gets mighty cold in the winter. And having to run out and start a car when it's 10 below is not exactly my idea of fun. The older I get it's even less fun. Remote start means I no longer have to become a human Popsicle in order to start my car, and that, as Martha would say, is a very good thing.

Anna Frozen Dress Gif

And hey, I'm also thankful for The Monkees. Because really, I don't think The Monkees get enough thanks.

The Monkees

Finally, since I want to keep this is a holiday week after all...I'll just take this moment to say that I'm very thankful for my Memories. I've had some wonderful Thanksgivings over the years. I spend a lot of them missing my family since we all live far apart from each other. But I do think fondly of the wonderful Turkey Days I did get to spend with them. And this one in particular comes to mind...and the meal we had was just one of the best of my childhood. It was circa 1976 (or 77).

My mom made this incredible spread all by herself. She went all out and worked so hard to make an amazing meal for the family. She even used the good China! The meal had all our usuals, plus a few extras.
  1. Turkey and Dressing (Mom seldom stuffed the bird itself; she liked it separate, as do I).
  2. Mashed Potatoes (lump-free) and a gravy so good you could have drank it from the bowl.
  3. Yams, of course. You gotta have Yams.
  4. Fried Chicken??? Dang. How'd that get there?!
  5. Apple Salad. An old family recipe that I still love at holiday time. Notice the classic Tupperware it's being served in here. I wish I had that bowl. I would totally put my Apple Salad in it.
  6. Braided homemade bread. That was a thing of beauty! And there wasn't much left when we were done with dinner. 
  7.  A Veggie Tray. Seems silly to have that when everything else fills you up. But it's always good.
  8. And for dessert? Pie and English Trifle. Mom's Trifle was the best. I still like to make it at Christmas time. Sometimes for Turkey Day too, if the mood strikes.
Memories mean everything. Especially as the memories of my family grow to be all I have left. I am thankful for them though, and will cherish them always.

On that note, I hope you enjoyed my Obligatory Thankful Post for 2014. And I also hope that you and your family have a truly wonderful day of family, feast, and fun that you'll not soon forget. 

And don't forget to pack some Tums, just in case you eat a bit too much.

Gobble, gobble.