
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Perfect Pork Roast 30 Years in the Making

Pork Roast.

I have tried for years to make a good Pork Roast.

Literally, three decades, people.


Yes, really.

And somehow, after years of struggle, torment, and failure after pork roasted failure, I finally managed to achieve a perfect Pork Roast. You just don't even know how I felt in that moment. I was like...

Hallelujah gif

So after achieving this level of personal culinary greatness, I felt it only appropriate that I share the recipe with you, so that you, too, can grab the spice-rubbed and pork roasted gold, should you feel so inclined. And I know you want to see it, right? So here it is. Prepare yourself to bask in the shadow of greatness.

Spice Rubbed Pork Roast Recipe

The best part is, it was super easy to make. I like easy. Easy is good. I know you can relate. So lets get to the ingredients you'll need.

1 Three pound Pork Shoulder Roast
2 TBSP Kosher Salt
2 TBSP Granulated Garlic
1 TBSP Pepper
1 TBSP Onion Powder
1 TBSP Dried Oregano

  • Preheat oven to 325.
  • Combine all your spices in a bowl.
  • Rub the spices all over every piggy inch of your pork roast.
  • Place roast on a rack in your desired baking dish. I used a square ceramic dish. 
  • Bake uncovered for 3 hours or until done.
  • Let rest for at least 15 minutes before slicing.
Now all oven temps seem to vary, so your roast might take a little more or less time. But three hours worked for me.

And how do I know just how amazingly good this pork roast was? 

Because the Hubs. 

He usually wants ketchup on my pork roast--because it's never been the greatest. And you know how men are about ketchup, right?

Fancy Sauce

But not this time. No-sir-eeeee. This time it was so tender and juicy and flavorful, he had no need for the red stuff that disguises all other flavors, aka ketchup. And that, my friends, is called a win.

So I hope you'll try this recipe and I hope you'll love it as much as the Hubs and I did. 

Go ahead. Get your pig on.